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How to Create Instagram Stories that People will want to Watch

With over 500 Million Daily Active Users on Instagram stories, you know you should be posting.

But, do you ever feel like you are creating random stories just to get something up there? Feel like there is no rhyme or reason to them? I totally understand because I was there, and truth be told, someday's I still am.

Instagram trends move fast and furious, but there are certain core practices that stand the test of time. I am going to share one of those practices right here, how to use a 3-part story telling system.

All great stories have 3 components, a beginning, a middle and an end. I see at least 2 of these missing from most stories on Instagram. The very community is called “stories”, so why are we just throwing up random stuff?

The Beginning

I like to call this the set-up or the prep. This is where you want to build anticipation and get the viewer excited about what is to come. You want to create an intro with what people can expect from your stories for the day. You can lead with a bold statistic, a question or something that gets people thinking that they need to watch and get this information from you. Even if you are just going to post some positive quotes or memes, you still need the set up. For example, you can create a quick intro video and say these are the quotes that take me from blah to I can conquer the world.

The Middle

This is where you pack in all the valuable, educational, and inspiring parts of your story. This will be the longest part of your story, and you want to space out the content throughout the day. By posting throughout the day you are helping the algorithm work with you, and your story bubble to stay in the front. Think of the middle as the meat of your stories.

The Ending

Don’t you just love a happy ending? You have a couple of options here. The first is to conclude with an outro which is a recap of your stories with summary that wraps it all up. The second is to use a Call to Action aka CTA. This is where you ask them to act by engaging with a question or poll sticker, heading over to your website, link in bio or to send you a DM. Be sure to wrap everything up with one of these two ending options.

By using these strategies, you will have stories that flow and that can lead you to sales!!

Flourish created an online Instagram stories course that is completely self-paced, for every level and is updated monthly with all the newest features.

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[Click below to watch the Video on more Instagram Stories Ideas!]

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